And again, while the Wii would improve most of those situations, like having 4 players and being the most technically reliable version I could get, the issue still remains that I have no idea how I'll end up liking the controls with the remote.
Marvel ultimate alliance pc vs ps2 mod#
Another downside to both of those is that only the next gen console versions contain Moon Knight and Colossus, so I'd be missing out on them (although I hear there's a mod that will allow them in the PC version).
Marvel ultimate alliance pc vs ps2 ps2#
My only other options are the PS2 version, (which would be inferior technically, would only support 2 players with my lack of a multi-tap, and my PS2 is still vaguely unreliable, so I like to buy multi-platform games for other consoles), and the PC version (This machine will be 2 years old in March, so I obviously can't be sure I'd get the best quality out of it, I'd need to buy a gamepad or suffer using the keyboard, and it'd make non-online multiplayer nonexistant, if you consider that a problem at all). So this has left me considerably confused about what to do. People either love them or hate them, and for every good thing I hear about the controls, I hear another bad thing to even it out. Problem is, the Wii version's controls really seem to be hit or miss. Now, I know I tend to follow Gamespot's scores pretty blindly, so I've really tried to branch out on this one. Gamespot gave the game an 8.2-8.3 for all the versions, excluding GBA, which got an abysmal 2.5, and the aforementioned Wii version, which got a 7.1 for it's akward controls and lack of online support (which is a non issue to me, by the way, since I'm not online with anything but my PC and my DS, and soon my Wii).

My original intent was to get the Wii version of the game, but I've remained uncertain about how the controls would work out on the remote. But I'm really stumped on what to do here, so I wanted to try again. I assume this was a result of all the excitement of the Wii launch, which I understand. I brought this issue up in the Nintendo thread, but it went wholly unnoticed.